We are very excited that God is working in your life and has lead you to Cool Community Church.
Our website is a great place to learn more about our church. You can read about what we believe, what we're passionate about and what ministries we offer. You can also listen to a sermon to get a feel for what a Sunday morning worship service feels like.
Once you're comfortable, we would love to invite you to take one of the "next steps" in getting to know our church that are listed below.
You can also get in touch with us by filling out one of our Connect Cards or by requesting that we pray for you by filling out one of our Prayer Cards.
Our website is a great place to learn more about our church. You can read about what we believe, what we're passionate about and what ministries we offer. You can also listen to a sermon to get a feel for what a Sunday morning worship service feels like.
Once you're comfortable, we would love to invite you to take one of the "next steps" in getting to know our church that are listed below.
You can also get in touch with us by filling out one of our Connect Cards or by requesting that we pray for you by filling out one of our Prayer Cards.
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

Be our guest
Join us this Sunday for our 10:30am Worship Service.
If this is your first time with us, we want you to know that there is a place for you here. Our greeters will provide you with a program containing information about our service and events taking place here at the church throughout the week, and our ushers will help you find a seat.
If this is your first time with us, we want you to know that there is a place for you here. Our greeters will provide you with a program containing information about our service and events taking place here at the church throughout the week, and our ushers will help you find a seat.
Sunday worship begins at 10:30 a.m. we encourage you to arrive 10 minutes early to allow for parking, to say "Hi", to grab a cup of coffee, and to find a comfortable seat.

We are a highly relational church, because we believe that God is highly relational; so we would love to get to know you better over lunch or coffee. We're buying :-).
You can call the church office at (530) 885-4385 or you can e-mail Pastor Drew (drew@coolchurch.org), directly to work out a day & time to meet up.

We have many ministries, home groups, and Bible studies taking place throughout Cool and the Divide including:
- Awana
- Children's Ministries
- Student Ministries
- Adult Ministries
- 55+ "Empty Nesters" Ministry
- And many more
To find out more about our ministries and how you can get involved please visit our Ministries page

Now that you have found a home with us here at Cool Community Church, we encourage you to go deeper and attend one of our "Membership Matters" Classes. In the class you will learn more about the history of the church, what we believe, and why membership is so important.